49/50 £50 Alloa, 51/2 £40 Alloa, 52/3 £30 Cowdenbeath, Forfar LC sof, Alloa, 53/4 £30 Airdrie, 54/5 £25 Forfar sof, 55/6 £15 S’raer, Arbroath sl mks, QP, 56/7 £8 Alloa, Berwick, Third Lanark £25, 58/9 £7 Albion, East Fife, 59/60 £7 St J, Dundee U, East Fife, 60/1 £4 St J LC, East Fife, Arbroath tc, S’muir, Alloa, Brechin, Falkirk, Stirling, QP, East Stirling, Hibs SC, 61/2 £4 Montrose LC+L, S’muir LC mks, Clyde, Forfar, Alloa, East Fife, S’muir, Arbroath, Morton, Third Lanark SC £10, 62/3 £4 QP, Albion, Arbroath, S’muir, Ayr, S’raer, East Fife, Montrose, Morton, Sons, Brechin, 63/4 £4 St J LC wof, East Stirling, Berwick, C’beath, QP, S’raer, Ayr, Montrose, Forfar, Brechin, S’muir, Killie SC, Raith, Morton, 64/5 £4 S’raer LC+L+SC sof, Albion, C’beath LC+L, Forfar, QP sof, Montrose, Alloa, QOS, Sons, Stirling, QP, Arbroath, Raith, C’beath sof, East Fife, Brechin, Falkirk, Morton, ES Clydebank LC £15+L £15, 65/6 £3 Partick sof, C’beath LC sof, Dundee sof £5, St M wof, St J. wof, Rangers fld, Hibs tc £30, 66/7 £4 Montrose LC tc, Albion LC, Raith tc, C’bank fld nof £25, 67/8 £4 all sof some tc QP L, 68/9 all sof some tc £4 East Fife, 71/2 £1 QP, Forfar LC+L. S’muir, Raith, St M, Albion L, S’raer, C’bank, 72/3 £1 Pars, QOS sof, Forfar, Montrose SC, Brechin, QP, St M sof, East Stirling sof, S’raer sof, Albion LC, Alloa, Berwick sof, Stirling, 73/4 £1 Airdrie, East Stirling LC+L, Raith, S’raer, Brechin, QP, C’beath, Alloa L, Berwick, St M sof, Forfar, S’muir, Albion, 74/5 50p Celtic LC £2, QOS LC+L, M’bank £7.50, S’muir, QP, East Fife, Alloa, Brechin, S’raer, Albion/Berwick, Montrose L, Forfar, 75/6 50p QOS LC, C’beath Spring Cup £5, QP Spring Cup £5, Clyde Nov, Sons Jan, Morton Sept, Arbroath Dec, Montrose Nov+Spring Cup £5, East Fife Nov, St M Oct, Falkirk LC, Partick Oct, Killie Feb, Stirling LC, 76/7 50p Falkirk LC+Oct, Dundee Oct+Apr, Sons Nov, East Fife Feb, Montrose Apr, Airdrie Oct+
Mar, QOS Sept, C’bank Feb, St J Jan, Morton Dec, 77/8 50p St M LC, Morton/East Fife/Hearts/ Montrose multi issue, QOS Oct, Montrose Nov, Stirling Dec, Alloa Oct+feb, 78/9 50p Dons LC £3+SC £3, Ayr Feb, C’bank Nov, 79/80 50p Clyde Nov, St M LC, Dundee LC, C’bank LC+Dec £2, Hearts Oct £2, Raith Sept, Berwick Oct, St J Mar £2, 80/1 £1 Well Aug, Hibs Sept £7.50, East Stirling Dec+Mar, Berwick Apr, Celtic LC £3, C’bank Nov, Lan Cup incl Airdrie,Albion, Well £3, 81/2 £1 Hearts Nov+Apr, QP Apr, QOS Sept, Falkirk May, Pars LC, Forfar Jan, Well Jan, East Stirling LC+Sept, Sons Jan, C’bank Feb, 82/3 £1 Hearts Oct, Raith Feb+Mar, Clyde Oct, 83/4 £1 Raith Nov, Alloa Jan, Falkirk Apr, Airdrie Aug, M’bank Sept, 84/5 £1 Celtic SC £2, East Fife Aug+Apr, Partick may £2, 85/6 £1 Hearts SC, Ayr Oct, Lanark Cup Semi Finals incl Well, Albion, Airdrie £3, Brechin Mar, Partick Nov, East Fife LC, Morton Apr, 86/7 £1 Hearts Oct+Mar, Rangers Aug+Dec, C’bank Aug, Celtic Nov £2+Mar £2, Dons Oct £3+Mar £3, Falkirk Nov, Well SC+Jan, Hibs LC+Oct+Feb, St M May £2, 87/8 £1 M’bank Oct+SC+May £2, C’bank Dec, Raith Oct, Forfar Apr, Dons SC £3, QOS Oct, East Fife Sept, Partick Sept, 88/9 £1 Hearts Oct+Mar, Hibs Oct+Apr, Rangers Aug+Dec, Celtic Apr £2, Dundee U Jan, St M Nov+May £2, Dundee Sept, 89/90 £1 Rangers LC, C’bank Dec, Pars Jan, Falkirk Nov, Partick Sept, Forfar Jan, Morton Sept, St J Mar, Dundee U LC, 90/1 £1 Celtic LC, Partick Dec+Apr, 91/2 £1 Hearts LC, M’bank May £3, Partick Aug, Killie Apr, Raith Nov, 92/3 £1 M’bank B+Q Semi £5, C’beath Dec, 93/4 £1 St M Aug, Ayr Sept, 94/5 £1 Rangers SC, St M Oct+Feb, 95/6 £1 St M Sept, 96/7 £2 Well SC, Livi Dec/QOS Jan, 97/8 £1 Partick Dec, Raith Aug, Ayr Jan, Stirling Jan, Rangers LC+SC £3, Falkirk CC Semi, 98/9 £1.50 Hibs LC £3+Nov £3+Apr £5, St M Feb, 00/01 £1.50 Albion Sept, P’head Jan, Elgin Oct/ East Stirling Oct JI, East Fife Apr, 01/02 £1.50 QOS Aug+SC, S’muir Nov, Dundee LC, Berwick Mar, Alloa Dec, C’beath Aug+Feb, 02/03 £2 Raith Feb, Brechin May, S’muir Nov, S’raer Oct s/s, 03/04 £1.50 St J. CC, Albion LC, Sons Mar, Airdrie Aug, S’muir Sept, Morton Nov, Forfar Jan, Arbroath Nov, Alloa Oct, East Fife Sept, 04/05 £1.50 QOS Mar, St J Dec, Ross Co Jan, Raith Aug, Airdrie Apr, St M Oct+Mar, Falkirk Apr, 05/06 £1 QOS Mar, Airdrie Jan, St J. Aug, Alloa SC, St M Oct+Jan, Dundee SC+CC+Aug+Dec, 06/07 £2 Livi Dec+SC+Apr, Clyde Dec, Dundee Aug+Feb, Airdrie Mar, Berwick CC, Gretna Apr, 07/08 £3 Brechin SC, St J. Apr, QOS Jan, Stirling Sept, Partick Nov, Dundee OCT+Mar, Pars Feb, 08/09 £3.50 Caley Jan, Rangers Oct+Feb, Dons Jan, Hibs Sept+Mar, Hearts Aug+Jan, Falkirk Nov+May, St M Oct+Mar, Dundee U Aug+Apr+SC, Well Dec, Celtic Nov, Well Dec, 09/10 £3.50 Hibs Sept+Apr, Dons Aug+Mar, Celtic Oct+Jan, Rangers Jan, Killie Jan+Apr, Dundee Utd Dec, St M May, Hearts Dec £7.50, Falkirk Sept, 10/11 £4 Hibs Jan+May, M’well Jan, Dundee U SC+Feb, Hearts Aug+Feb, Dons Dec+Apr, Alloa SC, Celtic Dec, Killie Sept, 11/12 £3.50 Falkirk Oct, 12/13 £3.50 C’beath Jan+May, Partick Nov, Raith Oct, Sons Apr, Falkirk SC, Livi Oct, Annan LC, Morton/Partick/Sons Mar, Pars Feb, 13/14 £4 Livi Feb, Morton Dec/QOS Jan, Falkirk P/O, Hibs Play Off Final £5, 14/15 £4 Celtic Jan, St M Nov, Dons Oct+Feb, 15/16 £4 Hearts Jan, Dons Nov, Dundee Oct, St J Oct, 16/17 £4 Rangers Dec, Dons Oct+Feb, Pars SC £2, Dundee Utd P/O, 17/18 £4.50 Hibs Nov, Ross Co Apr, Rangers Sept+Feb, 18/19 £4 Celtic Nov, Hibs Dec, St J Sep, Hearts Aug+Mar, Killie Dec, Dons Jan, Rangers Oct+Feb, Well Apr, HAMILTON UNDER 21 18/19 Clyde IB Cup £3. 19/20 £4.50 Edin City SC, Hearts/St J Dec, 21/22 £3 Dunfermline Dec, Killie Dec, Raith Nov+Apr, Hearts B CC col t/s £2, 22/23 £1.50 Clyde Trust Trophy,
13/14 £3 Hibs EOS Nov post+Apr
48/9 some have pencil tc. £50 Partick fld £30, QOS LC, Sons SC, Albion tc £30, Airdrie tc, East Fife, Hibernian Shield sl fld, 48/9 Reserves £60 v Dundee 14th Aug, 49/50 £30 Raith LC+L, Dundee SC+L £60, Clyde, QOS, Celtic sl mk, 50/1 £25 Well LC, Morton, Falkirk, East Fife, Hibs, Raith tc £15, 50/1 HEARTS B v Gala £25, 51/2 Hibs L £60+Shield rare fld £100, 52/3 £30 St Mirren, Dundee, Partick, Well LC, Airdrie, Clyde, Montrose SC sl mk, QOS L £50, Celtic £50, Rangers L £75, 53/4 £25 Hamilton L, Hibs L+Shield £60, Rangers £40, 54/5 £20 Aberdeen L+SC, Dundee LC, Partick, QOS, Hibs L £30+SC £30, Rangers, Celtic LC £35, Stirling, Raith wof £10, Falkirk LC £30+L, East Fife £30, 55/6 £15 East Fife LC sof £7.50+L, Clyde, Kilmarnock £20, Rangers L fld £7.50, Hibs L £20+Shield £50, Dundee, Raith LC, 56/7 £10 Ayr, Partick LC+L sof, East Fife, Rangers L+SC mks £5, Airdrie sof, Falkirk LC+L, Raith, St M, Celtic, Well sof, Dundee, Dons, Killie, QP, QOS, Hibs LC fld, Pars, 57/8 £10 Albion SC, Falkirk, Dons, Partick sof £5, Airdrie sof £5, Hibs L+SC £20, Clyde sof £5, St M, QOS £15, Killie LC sof+L, Well sof, Celtic £15, East Fife, Dons, Rangers mkd £3, Raith cr £2, Dundee LC+L, 58/9 £5 Ayr LC, Raith LC sof, Hibs L+Shield £25, Clyde, Falkirk, Airdrie, Dons, St M, QOS, Rangers LC+L, Dundee, Celtic, Stirling, Well, Killie, Partick, 59/60 £7 Stirling LC+L, Pars, Hibs L, Well LC+L, Celtic, Partick, Killie LC+L+SC, St M, Ayr, Airdrie, Raith, Dons LC+L, Raith, Ayr, Dundee, Pars, Rangers, Clyde, Arbroath £15, 60/1 £3 Well LC+L, Raith, Dundee, Killie, Partick, Dundee U, Clyde LC+L, St J, Pars, Hibs, St M LC+SC+L, Airdrie, Partick, Dons, Ayr, 61/2 £3 Airdrie, Celtic L+SC, Hibs L+Shield £5, Killie LC+L, Partick, Raith LC+L £5, St J, Rangers, St M LC+L, Well £5, Hamilton LC, Falkirk, Dundee U, Pars, Stirling, Dons, Dundee £5, Third Lanark Nov £5+Feb £5, 62/63 £3 Dons, Hibs, Pars, Third Lanark, Airdrie, Falkirk, Well, Celtic LC+L, Dundee U LC+L, Clyde, Killie, Dundee LC+ L, Raith, St M, QOS, Morton LC, Rangers, Partick, 63/4 £3 Hibs L+Sum Cup+Shield £5, Killie, Partick LC+L, St J, Dundee, Dundee U, Well LC+L+SC, QOS, Pars L+Sum Cup £5, Falkirk LC+L+Sum Cup, East Stirling, Airdrie, Rangers, Dons, St M, Celtic, Third Lanark, 64/5 £3 Partick LC+L, Dundee, Dundee U, Falkirk L+Sum Cup, Airdrie, Clyde, Pars L+Sum Cup £5, Hibs L+Sum Cup, St M, Killie LC, Morton L+SC, Rangers, Well, St J., Dons, Celtic LC+L, Third Lanark, 65/6 £3 Clyde LC+L+ SC, Pars, Partick, Falkirk, St J., Dundee U, Well, Killie, Dundee, Dons LC+L, Hamilton, St M L, Rangers LC+L, Hibs L+SC, Celtic L+SC, Morton, Stirling, 66/7 £3 Rangers LC fld+L, Dons, Well, Killie, Partick, Hibs, Celtic LC £10+L £5, Clyde LC+L, Dundee, St M LC+L, Dundee U L+SC, Pars, St J, Ayr, Falkirk, 67/8 £2 St J. LC+L, Dundee, Stirling LC+L £5, Rangers L+SC, Killie, Dundee U, Pars, Clyde, Falkirk LC+L, Partick, Airdrie, Dons, Celtic, Morton, Raith, Brechin SC, Hibs, 68/9 £2 Dundee U, Pars, St J, Partick, Clyde, Dons, Arbroath, Falkirk, St M, Dundee LC+L, Airdrie LC+L, Killie LC+L, Partick, Morton, Hibs L, Rangers, Celtic, Falkirk, Raith, 69/70 £1.50 Raith, Dundee, Rangers, Killie, Celtic, St M LC+L, Partick, Hibs L+Shield £3, St J., Dundee U LC+L, Montrose SC, Clyde, Well, Dons, Morton LC+L, Pars, Airdrie, Ayr, Montrose SC £3, 70/1 £1 Hibs L+SC, St M, Dundee U LC £3+L, Ayr, Rangers, Falkirk , St J, Well, Airdrie, Celtic LC+L, Dons, Clyde LC+L, Dundee, Stranraer SC, Pars, Morton, C’beath, Killie, 71/2 £1 St J. LC+L+SC, Hibs, Dundee U, Falkirk sof £2, Airdrie LC £3+L, Rangers, Pars LC+L, Ayr, Dundee, Clyde, Well, Morton, C’bank SC, Celtic L+SC, Killie £2, Partick, 72/3 £1 Dons, Sons LC+L, Ayr, Dundee, St J., Killie, East Fife, Dundee U, Morton, Arbroath, Berwick LC, Celtic, Berwick LC, Airdrie LC+SC+L, Well, Partick, Falkirk, Hibernian ( 0-7 ) £100, 73/4 £1 Partick LC+L+SC, Hibs, Well, Dundee U, Rangers, Dundee LC+L, Clyde SC+L £5, Dons, Sons, Falkirk, Ayr L+SC, Morton, East Fife, Pars, St J. LC+L, Celtic, 74/5 50p Hibs L+Shield £1, Arbroath, Dundee L+SC, Ayr, Dons LC+L sof, St J., Celtic, Sons, Morton LC sof+L, Dundee U, Killie L sl fld sof £2+SC, Partick, Pars LC+L, Morton LC, Falkirk LC, Well, Rangers sof, Clyde nof £4, Airdrie, 75/6 50p Hibs Nov+Mar, Rangers Sept+Jan £3, St J. Dec+Apr, Well Nov+Apr, Dundee Nov+Mar, Stirling SC, Celtic LC+ Dec+ May, Sons LC, Dons LC+Sept+Jan, Dundee U Oct+Feb, Ayr Oct+Feb £3, Clyde SC, 76/7 50p Killie Oct+Feb, Celtic Nov+Apr £3, Ayr Oct+Apr, Dundee U Oct+Mar, Dundee LC, Partick LC+Sept+Jan, Ayr Oct+Apr, Well LC+Dec+Apr, C’bank SC, East Fife SC, Falkirk LC, Hibs Jan+Apr, Sons SC, Rangers Nov+Apr, Dons Nov+Mar (Willie Bauld tribute issue) £7.50, 77/8 50p Morton LC+Dec, St J. Sept, East Fife Sept, Stirling Nov, Dundee Aug+Jan, Sons Oct+Mar+SC, Alloa Sept+Apr sl fld, Airdrie Oct+Feb, Arbroath Apr, Killie Nov+Dec, QOS Jan, S’muir LC, Montrose Mar, Hamilton Oct+Feb, Dundee U LC £2, 78/9 50p Morton Sept+Mar £1, Dundee U Apr 4th+14th, St M Oct, Partick Nov+Apr £1, Rangers Oct+Feb, Celtic Oct+Apr, Dons Dec, Hibs Aug+Mar, Well Nov+Apr £3, 79/80 50p Ayr LC+Aug £3+Apr, Arbroath Mar (1st+ 30th), Pars Oct+Apr £3, Stirling Sept £2+Nov+SC, Hamilton Dec+Feb, Airdrie Sept+ Apr £2, Berwick Jan postponed £10 +Apr, Clyde Sept, Sons Dec, C’bank Sept, Raith Apr, St J. Sept, Arbroath Mar, Well Nov £1, 80/1 £1 Dons Oct+Jan, Partick Oct+Feb, Celtic Sept+Jan, Killie Dec+Apr, Rangers Nov+Mar, St M Nov+Apr £5, Dundee U Nov+ Mar £2, Morton SC+Sept+Dec, Airdrie Aug+ Jan, 81/2 £1 Dons LC, East Stirling Oct+postponed issue £20, Killie Aug+Sept, Sons Sept, Airdrie Aug, Hamilton Sept, C’bank Sept, St J. Oct, Pars Nov, Forfar Feb, Ayr Apr fld, 82/3 £1 Well Aug, Ayr Sept+Feb, St M LC £5, Airdrie Nov, QOS SC, C’bank Sept, Pars Oct+Apr £3, Clyde Sept+Mar, Hamilton Jan £2+May, Raith Dec, Forfar LC, Falkirk Nov+Mar, Sons Oct, Alloa Oct, QP Apr, St J. Jan, Partick Jan+Mar, East Fife Feb, 83/4 £1 C’beath LC, St M LC+Nov+Mar, Dundee Nov+May, Well Oct+Mar, Celtic Dec+May, Dons Oct, Rangers LC+Feb+Sept, Dundee U Dec+Mar, Partick SC, East Stirling LC, St J. Oct+Apr, Hibs Sept+Jan, 84/5 £1 Dundee U Mar, Morton Aug+Dec, Hibs Mar, Dons Dec+SC+May, East Stirling LC, St M Jan, Sons Sept+Jan, Dundee Sept+Feb, Rangers Oct+Feb, Celtic Nov+Apr, 85/6 £1 Rangers Nov+Mar+SC, Dundee Feb. Dons Oct+Apr, Well Npv+Mar, C’bank Nov+Apr, Dundee U Sept, Hibs Aug+Jan, St M Oct+Mar+SC, 86/7 £1 Rangers Oct+Feb, Hamilton Aug+Dec, C’bank Jan, Dundee Nov+May, St M Oct+Feb, Dons Nov+Apr, Hibs Nov+Apr, Celtic Dec+SC+May, Killie SC, Dundee U Oct, Falkirk Aug+Dec, Montrose LC, Well Sept+Feb+SC, 87/8 £1 Rangers Oct+Jan, Hibs Aug+Jan, Dons Oct+Feb, Dundee Oct+Mar, Morton Oct+Mar+SC, Falkirk Aug+Dec, Celtic Nov+Apr, St M Nov+Apr, Pars Nov+SC+Apr, Dundee U Aug+Jan, Well Sept+Dec, Clyde LC, Killie LC, 88/9 £1 Rangers Sept+Dec, Ayr SC, Partick SC, Celtic Oct+Mar, Dundee Sept+Feb, St M Sept+Jan, Hamilton Aug+Dec, St J LC, Dons Oct+Apr, Well Oct+Jan, Hibs Nov+Apr, Dundee U Nov+May, 89/90 £1 St M Oct+Mar, Dundee U Sept+Jan, Dons Dec+Apr, Well Nov+SC+Mar, Celtic LC, Hibs Aug+Jan, Dundee Nov+Apr, Rangers dec, Falkirk SC, Pars Oct, Montrose LC, 90/1 £2 Rangers Sept+Jan, Dons Dec+Apr sl fld, Pars Nov+Apr, Celtic Nov+Apr, Hibs Nov+Mar, St M Aug+Jan, St J Oct+Mar, Dundee U Sept+Feb, 91/2 £2 Dons Jan, Celtic Nov+Feb, C’bank LC, Rangers LC+Aug+Feb, Dundee U Sept, Falkirk Dec+SC, St J Nov+Mar, Pars Oct, Well Sept+Dec, Dundee U Sept, Hibs Aug+Jan, Airdrie Nov, St M Oct+SC+Apr, 92/3 £2 Hibs Nov+Mar, Dons Sept+May, Well Jan mks, Dundee Oct+Feb, Rangers Apr, Airdrie dec, Dundee Utd Oct+Mar, Well Aug+Jan, Celtic LC+Dec, St J Oct, Falkirk SC, 93/4 £2 Rangers Nov+Mar, 94/5 £2 Rangers Nov+SC+Mar, 95/6 £2 Rangers Dec+Apr, 96/7 Rangers Dec £2+May £5, 97/8 £2 Rangers Dec+Apr, 98/9 £2 Rangers Dec, 99/00 £2 Rangers Aug, 10/11 Motherwell Apr (125 Years at Tynecastle issue) £15, 15/16 Partick feb postponed £5, 18/19 £3 Hibs Oct, 19/20 £3 Dundee U LC, Hamilton Aug, Dons LC+Dec, Well Sept+Mar, Killie Oct, Rangers Oct+Jan, St M Nov, Hibs Dec, St J Dec, Airdrie SC, Livi Dec, Ross Co Aug, 20/21 £3 Caley Nov (Zaliukas tribute issue), Raith LC+Jan, Dundee Mar, Alloa Apr, QOS Dec, Arbroath/Ayr Dec double issue, Morton Feb, 21/22 £3 Caley LC, Celtic July+Jan, Hibs Sept+Apr, Livingston Sept+Mar, Motherwell Oct+Jan, Dundee Oct, Dundee Utd Nov, Rangers Dec, St Mirren Nov+SC, £7 v Ross Co Dec / St Johnstone Dec double issue, £5 v Dundee Feb / Livingston SC double issue, 21/22 UNDER 18 £1 v Caley YC Semi col t/s, 22/23 £4 Celtic Oct+May+SC, Hibs May, Ross Co July (Busbie tribute), Dons May,
50/1 £40 Dundee LC fld, Dons LC £50, Hearts L £50+ Shield sof £25, Well, East Fife, Raith, Falkirk poor £3, 51/2 £40 Airdrie, Well LC, Stirling LC+L £50, Hearts, East Fife, Partick LC, East Fife, QOS, Third Lanark £50, Rangers £50, Raith, St M, Dundee fld, Morton, 51/2 RESERVES £60 Aberdeen small pic cut out £15, Brechin No.28, Dundee No. 31, 52/3 £30 Raith fld, Third Lanark £50, Partick LC+L, Dons L £40+SC, Clyde, Rangers £50, Well, St M LC £40, Dundee, Airdrie £45, Falkirk, QOS, 53/4 £25 Hamilton, Aberdeen SC £40, Falkirk LC, QOS LC, St M LC, Clyde, Partick, Stirling £50, 54/5 £20 East Fife LC £25+L, Raith, Well, Partick, Clyde sl mk, Dundee, QOS LC £25+L, St M fld £5, 55/6 £20 Clyde L, Pars LC, Falkirk, Hearts, Celtic £30, Stirling, Killie £30, Rangers £30, 56/7 £20 Hearts LC, QP, QOS auto Lawrie Reilly £30, Dons L+SC fld, Partick LC+L, Raith, East Fife, Killie, Well, Falkirk LC auto+L, Rangers, Airdrie, Ayr, Dundee, St M, 57/8 £5 Airdrie LC+L, Raith, Well, Partick, Killie, East Fife LC+L, Clyde, Dons, QP, St M, QOS, Dundee Apr, Third Lanark £7.50, Celtic LC £10+L £15, Dundee U SC £7.50, Falkirk £7.50, 58/9 £5 Third Lanark L £10, Well, Killie LC, Raith L+SC £15, Falkirk LC+SC+L, Partick SC, QOS, Dundee, Dons LC, Hearts L, Rangers £15, St M £10, Pars £10, Clyde, Celtic £10, 59/60 £5 Killie, Dundee LC+L+SC, Raith, Rangers LC+L, Thbird Lanark £10, Clyde, Well LC+L, Stirling, Arbroath, Celtic, Hearts L, Dons £10, Ayr, St M, Partick, Pars £10, Airdrie, 60/1 £6 Well, St J., Rangers, Raith £7.50, Dons, Killie LC+L, Dundee, Partick LC+L, Clyde, Pars LC, Airdrie LC+L £7.50, St M, Celtic L+SC, Dundee U, Ayr, Hearts sof, St M fld, Dons, Third Lanark sof, 61/2 £4 St J LC+L, Well, Third Lanark, Falkirk, Killie, Raith, Rangers, Partick LC+SC, Airdrie, Pars sof, Dundee U, Dons, Celtic LC+L £10, Dundee £7.50, Hearts post+insert £20, 62/3 £4 Raith, Dundee fld, Hearts L, Partick, Rangers LC mk+L, St M LC+L, Dundee U £5, Killie, Well, Third Lanark sof, Pars, Clyde mkd £2, QOS cr £2, Celtic, 63/4 £3 St M LC+L, Falkirk L+Sum Cup £5, Dundee LC+L, Hearts L+Shield £7.50+Sum Cup £7.50, Rangers, Well, Partick, Pars L+Sum Cup £7.50, Airdrie, East Stirling, Killie L+Sum Cup Semi, St J., Dons LC £5+L, Celtic, QOS, Dundee U LC £5+L £5, Third Lanark L £7.50, 64/5 £3 Third Lanark LC £5+L, Hearts L+Sum Cup, Dons, Partick L+SC, Dundee, Rangers L+SC, St J., Morton, Airdrie LC+L, Clyde, Well L+Sum Cup Semi, Falkirk L+Sum Cup, Dundee U, St M, Celtic, ES Clydebank SC £10, Pars LC+L+Sum Cup £5, 65/6 £2 St M LC+L, Falkirk LC+L, Morton LC, Well, Third Lanark SC £5, Alloa LC £5, Rangers, Hamilton (11-1) £5, Killie, Clyde Jan+ Mar, Dundee U Dec+Apr, Celtic £4, Stirling, Pars, Partick, Dundee, Dons £3, St J., Hearts £3, 66/7 £2 Killie LC+L, Dundee U, Pars, Dundee LC+L, Hearts, Berwick SC, Brechin SC, St J., Falkirk, Ayr, Rangers LC+L, Dons SC+L £3, St M, Clyde, Stirling LC £3+L £3, Celtic £5, Pars, Well, Partick, 67/8 £2 Rangers, Pars, Clyde LC+Dec+Apr, Dundee U, Dons, St J., Well LC+L, Stirling, Celtic, Killie, Hearts, Partick, Dundee LC+L, Raith, Airdrie, Morton, Falkirk, 68/9 £2 Hearts L+Shield, Raith LC+L, Airdrie, Killie, East Fife LC, Dundee, St J. LC+L, Falkirk LC+L, Dundee U, Pars, Partick, Arbroath, Clyde Feb, Morton, St M, Celtic, Dons £3, Rangers, 69/70 £1.50 Well, Pars LC+L, Dons LC £3+L, Rangers, Hearts, Ayr, Dundee, Clyde LC+ L, Partick, Raith, Celtic, St M, Morton £3, Airdrie £3, Dundee U, St M, St J. £3, Killie, 70/1 £1 C’beath, Dundee L+SC, Dons LC+L, Clyde £2, Forfar SC, Hearts L+ Shield, St M, St J. LC £2+L, Celtic, Well, Raith fld, Partick fld, Ayr, Airdrie LC+L £5, Killie, Morton, Rangers LC £2+L £2, 71/2 £1 Rangers L, Dons L+SC, Celtic, Falkirk LC+ L, Well LC+L, Dundee U LC+L, Pars, Partick, Hearts, Dundee, Ayr, Killie LC+L, Morton, Clyde £2, East Fife, St J., Airdrie L £2+SC £2, 72/3 50p Rangers L+ DC Semi (HAS SPECIAL COVER) £4, Dundee, Partick, St M fld, Dons LC £3+L, Morton L £2+SC £2, Airdrie LC £5+L, Falkirk, Hearts, Dundee Utd LC £5+L, Killie, Sons, Arbroath, Well £2, Ayr, St J., QOS LC, Celtic £5, East Fife £3, QP LC £3, 73/4 50p Killie SC, East Fife, Sons LC, Rangers LC+L+ LC, St M DC, Dundee L+SC, Falkirk, Ayr LC £3+L, Raith LC, Well/ Sons JI, Celtic, Dundee U, Dons, Arbroath, Partick, St J, Pars, Well abandoned, Morton LC £2+L £3, Clyde £2, Hearts, 74/5 50p Well, Sons, Rangers DC+L fld £5, Killie DC+LC+L, Ayr, Airdrie, St J. LC+L, Clyde, Dundee LC+L, Dundee U, Partick, Celtic L+SC, Hearts, Morton, Arbroath £3, Dons £2, Pars £5, 75/6 50p Dundee LC+Oct+Feb, Well SC+Dec+Apr, Dons Oct+Mar £3, Rangers Nov+Apr, St J. Jan £2, Hearts Aug+Jan, Pars LC+ SC, Ayr LC+Sept £2+Jan, Montrose LC, Dundee U Nov+SC+ Mar, Celtic Dec £2+Apr, 76/7 50p Well Nov+Mar, Arbroath SC, Partick Oct+Feb+SC, Ayr Dec, Hearts Oct+ Mar, Rangers LC+ Feb, Dundee U Sept+Jan, Montrose LC, Celtic Mar+Apr £3, St J. LC £2, Dons Sept £3+Jan £4, 77/8 50p Well Aug+ Dec, Dundee U Nov+Mar, Partick Nov+SC+ Apr, Dons Dec+Apr, QOS LC, Hearts Shield (Jan), St M Sept+Mar, Celtic Apr 12th+15th, Rangers Oct+Mar, Ayr Oct+ Mar, East Fife SC, C’bank Aug+Jan, 78/9 50p Well Dec+Apr, Morton LC+Sept, C’bank LC, Dons Sept+Jan, Rangers Aug+May £10, Hearts Nov+SC+Mar, Partick Dec+Apr, Celtic Nov+Mar £1, St M Sept+Apr, Brechin LC, Dundee U Oct+ Mar, 79/80 £1 Ayr SC, Morton Oct+Feb £3, Rangers Aug+Dec £7.50, Killie LC+Nov, Celtic Sept+Jan £3, Dundee Aug+Mar £5, St M Sept+Apr fld £4, Montrose LC, Berwick SC, Dundee U (2nd Apr) £7.50, Dons Oct £3, Dundee U Apr/Killie Apr double issue £7.50, Partick Dec (George Best home debut) £20, 80/1 £1 Well Sept, Stirling Dec+Apr, Dundee Feb, Alloa LC, Pars SC+Nov, St J. Dec+Mar, Hamilton Nov+Feb, Berwick Aug, Ayr LC+Oct, Sons Jan, Falkirk Oct (George Best last game) £20+SC+Jan, Raith Aug+Apr, C’bank Sept £2, East Stirling Sept £3+Apr £3, 81/2 £1 Dundee U Oct+SC, Morton Oct+ Mar (Tom Hart Memorial issue) £3, Airdrie Sept+Jan, St M LC +Nov+Apr £2, Celtic LC+Oct+Feb, Partick Dec+May £5, Falkirk SC, Dons Nov+Apr £2, Dundee Aug+ Jan, St J. LC, Rangers Nov+Mar, 82/3 £1 Well Oct £3+Feb, St M Sept £5+Jan, Airdrie LC, Rangers LC+Dec+May £3, Dons Oct+SC+ Mar £2, Morton Oct £5+Feb £3, Dundee Dec+Apr £3, Celtic Nov+Apr, C’bank LC, Killie Nov £2+Apr £3, Dundee U Sept £3+Jan £5, 83/4 £1 Well Sept+Mar, Celtic LC+Aug+ Dec, Dundee Oct+Feb, St J. Nov £3+Mar £3, Hearts Nov+Apr, Airdrie LC, St M Sept+Jan, Sons LC, Killie LC, Dundee U Dec+Apr, Dons Oct £3, Rangers Dec £3+May (Willie Ormond tribute issue) £7.50, East Fife SC £5, 84/5 £1 Sons Sept+ Jan £10, Celtic Aug+Dec, Dundee U Nov+Apr, Hearts Aug+Jan, Dons Nov+Mar, Rangers Nov, Morton Sept+Feb, St M Dec+Apr, Dundee Oct+Mar, East Fife LC, 85/6 £1 Well LC+Sept+Feb, St M Aug+Mar, Rangers Aug+Dec, Celtic LC+Sept +Jan+SC, C’bank Sept+Jan, Hearts Nov+ Mar, Dundee U Feb, Dons Oct+Feb, C’beath LC, Dundee Nov+Apr, Ayr SC, Pars SC, 86/7 £1 Well Aug+Dec, C’bank Oct+Feb, Hamilton Nov+Apr, Hearts Aug+Jan, Falkirk Nov+Mar, Celtic Nov+Apr, East Stirling LC, Pars SC, St M Sept+Jan, Dons Oct+Mar, Dundee Oct+Mar, Rangers Aug+Dec, 87/8 £1 Well Nov £2+ Apr, Dundee U Oct+Mar, Falkirk Sept+Dec, QOS LC, Pars Oct, Dundee Feb, St M Sept+Dec, Rangers Aug+ Dec, Celtic Nov+SC+Apr, Dons Sept+Jan, Hearts Oct+Mar, Montrose LC, Morton Nov+May, Sons SC, 88/9 £1 Well Aug+Dec, Rangers Oct+Mar £3, Killie LC, Hearts Aug+Jan, Dons LC+Nov+Apr, Alloa SC, Dundee U Nov+Apr, Celtic Oct+ Jan, Dundee Nov+ May, St M Dec+Apr, Brechin SC, Hamilton Sept+ Mar, 89/90 £1 Well Oct+Feb, Alloa LC, Rangers Aug +Dec, C’bank LC, Pars LC+ Sept+Feb, Dundee Utd Sept, St M Sept+Jan, Dons Mar, Hearts Nov, Dundee Nov+Apr, Celtic Dec+Apr, East Fife SC, 90/1 £1 Well Oct+ Feb+ BP Semi £2, Rangers Sept+Jan £3, St J Dec, St M Oct+Mar, Dons Oct+Mar, Pars Nov+May, Celtic Dec +Mar, Dundee U Dec, Hearts Sept+ Jan, 91/2 £1 Dundee U Aug +Dec+BP Semi, Well oct+Apr, St M Aug+Dec, St J. Jan, Celtic Sept+Feb, Falkirk Sept+ Dec, Pars Oct+ Jan, Hearts Nov+Mar, Airdrie Nov +Apr, Rangers Nov+mar, Dons Nov, Partick SC, 92/3 £1 Dundee U Sept+Jan, Celtic Nov+ Apr, Well Dec+May, Airdrie Sept+Feb, Dundee Feb, Rangers Aug+Jan, Airdrie Sept+Feb, St J. Oct+ Mar, Falkirk Nov+Mar, Dons Oct+ Mar, St M SC, Partick Dec+May, Hearts Aug+ Jan, C’beath SC, Raith LC, 93/4 £1 St J. Nov+Apr, Partick Aug+Dec £3, Dundee LC+Aug+Jan, Dons Sept+Feb, Dundee U Oct+feb £3, Celtic Oct+ Mar, Rangers Nov, Well Dec £3+Apr, Hearts Oct+Apr+SC, Raith Oct+Mar, Clyde SC, Alloa LC, Killie May £10, 94/5 £1 Killie Aug+Jan, Pars LC, Hearts Oct+May, Dundee U Dec, Dons Sept+Jan, Celtic Nov+ May, Well Nov+ Mar+ SC, Partick Oct, Rangers Oct+ Mar, Airdrie LC, Falkirk Dec+ Apr, 95/6 £1 Hearts Oct+Jan, Partick Nov post+played +May, Well Oct+Jan, Falkirk Oct+Feb, Killie Oct+SC+Mar, Raith Dec+Apr, Rangers Nov+Mar, Falkirk Oct+Feb, Dons Sept+Jan, Celtic Dec+ Apr, S’muir LC, 96/7 £1.50 Airdrie play off, Pars Aug+Jan, Hearts Sept+ Jan, Celtic Oct+SC+May, Dons Nov+SC+Mar, Well Nov+Mar, Raith Sept+Feb, Killie Aug + Dec, Rangers Oct+Jan, Dundee U Dec+Apr £5, 97/8 £1.50 Dundee U Nov, Raith SC, Well Nov+Mar, St J. Sept+Jan, Hearts Aug, Alloa LC, Pars Sept, Killie Aug+Dec, Dons Dec £3+Mar, Rangers Oct+Feb, Celtic Aug £3+Feb £3, 98/9 £1.50 Ayr Aug+Dec, C’bank Oct+Dec, Morton Oct+Apr, Hamilton Sept+Jan, St M Nov+Apr, Airdrie Nov+Mar, S’raer Aug+Feb, Stirling SC, Falkirk Dec+May (Champ game), Raith Sept+Jan, 99/00 £1.50 Dundee U Oct+ Apr, St J. Nov, Hearts Aug+ Mar, Dundee Oct+Mar, Killie Sept+Dec, Dons Nov+ Apr, C’bank SC, Well July+Dec, Celtic Sept+Mar, Rangers Aug+Feb, Falkirk SC, 00/01 £2 Dons Nov, Celtic Nov+May, Clyde SC, Dundee Aug+ Jan (last game old stand), Dundee U Aug+ Dec, Pars Dec, Hearts May, Killie Nov+Apr, Well Sept +Mar, Rangers Oct+Apr, St J. Dec, St M Aug+Feb, 01/02 £2 Dons Aug+Jan, Celtic Aug+Feb, Dundee Oct+Apr, Dundee U LC+Jan, Pars Sept+ Feb, Hearts Oct+ Mar, Killie July +Jan, Livi Nov, Well Dec+Apr, Rangers Sept+Dec, St J. Sept+Mar, S’raer SC, 02/03 £2 Dons Dec+May, Celtic Dec, Dundee Nov, Dundee U Oct, Pars Sept+SC+Feb £5, Hearts Nov £5, Killie Sept, Livi Sept+Apr, Well Nov, Partick Dec, Rangers LC+ Aug+Jan, Dons Aug, Hibs Dec, 03/04 £2 Dons Aug+Feb, Celtic Sept+LC +Mar, Dundee Jan+ May, Dundee U Nov, Pars Dec, Hearts Aug £5+ Feb, Killie Oct+Apr, Livi Oct (Joe Baker tribute) £5+Apr, Well Sept+ Mar, Partick Jan+ May £5, QOS LC, Rangers Nov+SC, 03/04 UNDER 21 £2 Celtic, Partick, Dundee, Kilmarnock, Livi, Rangers, Pars, Dundee Utd, 04/05 £2.50 Dons Dec+May, Alloa LC, Brechin SC, Caley Nov, Celtic Sept+Mar, Dundee U Oct+Apr, Pars Dec, Hearts Jan+Apr, Dundee Aug (Gordon Smith memorial issue) £5+SC+Feb, Killie Aug+Jan, Livi Oct+Apr, Rangers Nov+May £10, St M. SC, 04/05 RES £2 Hearts, Motherwell, Celtic YC, Killie, Dundee, 05/06 £2.50 Celtic Sept+ Mar, Dundee U Sept+Mar, Pars July, Caley Oct+Mar, Killie Oct, Livi Aug+ Feb (7-0) £7.50, Rangers Nov+May, Well Dec, Hearts Oct+Apr, Dons Jan, Arbroath SC, Falkirk Nov, 06/07 £1.50 Well Aug+Jan £2, Rangers Sept+Mar+Apr £3, Falkirk Sept+ Mar, Hearts Oct+LC+ Apr £2, Killie Nov+May, Caley Nov, Dons July £4+Jan £2+SC, Celtic Nov+May, Dundee U Dec, Pars Dec, St M Dec, Killie May, Gretna LC £7.50+SC, 07/08 £2.50 Gretna Aug+Jan post £5+ Feb, Dons Aug+Feb, Caley Sept+Feb+SC, Celtic Sept +Mar, Well May, Killie Sept+Mar, St M. Oct+Apr, Rangers Dec+SC+May, Falkirk Dec, Hearts Nov, 08/09 £3 Dons Nov+ Mar, Falkirk Aug+ Feb, Morton LC, Well Aug+Jan, Dundee U Sept, Hearts Oct+SC +Mar, Hamilton Dec, Rangers Sept+ Apr+May, Celtic Dec+May, St Mirren Jan, Caley Nov, Killie Dec, 09/10 £3.50 Killie Oct+Mar, Brechin LC £2.50, St J. LC £2+Sept+Feb (farewell to East Stand issue), Falkirk Nov+YC t/s only £1, Rangers Dec+Apr £5, Hearts Jan+May, Dons Oct+Feb, Dundee U Mar, Celtic Aug+Apr, Hamilton Jan, Ross Co SC, Irvine Meadow SC, Well Dec, Montrose SC, St M. Aug £5+Jan £5, 10/11 £3.50 Rangers Aug (Opening of East Stand) £7.50+Jan, Killie Oct+Feb, Caley Sept+Feb, Hearts Nov+ Apr, St J. Nov+Apr, St M. Feb+Apr, Dons Dec, Dundee U Dec, Ayr SC, Celtic Jan, Hamilton Sept+Apr, Well Nov, 11/12 £4 Celtic July+LC, St M. Aug+Mar, Dons Sept+Feb, St J. Sept+Jan £5, Dundee U Mar, Well Oct+Apr, Pars May, Killie Nov+Apr+SC £10, Caley Dec, Hearts Jan, £2.50 v Berwick LC, 12/13 £3.50 St. J. Aug+Feb, Killie Sept+Feb, Caley Sept+Mar, Dundee Oct+Jan, Dundee U Nov, St M. Nov+Apr, Dons Nov+Apr £4+SC, Hearts Aug+Mar+SC, Well Dec, Ross Co. Dec, Celtic Dec, 12/13 HIBERNIAN UNDER 20’s £1 v Hamilton t/s, Celtic YC £1, 13/14 £3 Well Aug (Lawrie Reilly tribute issue)+Mar, Dundee U Aug+Feb, Ross Co Aug+Feb, St M Sept+Jan, S’raer LC, Celtic Oct+Jan+Apr, Killie Dec, St J Dec, Raith SC, Hearts LC+Jan+Apr £5, Dons Oct+Apr, Partick Dec+May, Caley Nov, 13/14 UNDER 20 £2 v Well, St M, Falkirk, Caley, St J, Killie L, Ross Co. L+YC, Pars, Rangers post+played, Hearts, Dundee U, Celtic, Partick, Hamilton, Dons, 13/14 HIBERNIAN UNDER 17 £3 v Hearts Shield, 13/14 HIBERNIAN EOS £2 Kelso (1st EOS issue), Ormiston, Berwick LC+L, Easthouses, Edin Univ KC, Lothian Thistle KC+LC Semi, Burntisland, Duns, Leith QL, Peebles, Eyemouth, Craigroyston, Hawick, Heriot Watt QL, 14/15 £3 Falkirk Aug+Jan, Sons LC+Oct+Feb, Alloa Dec, Rangers Dec+Play Off £4, Hearts Oct+Apr, C’beath Sept (Pat Stanton 70th birthday special) £5+Jan, Livi Aug £5+Mar, QOS Nov £5+Apr, Raith Oct+Jan, Arbroath SC, Berwick SC, Dundee U LC, 14/15 UNDER 20 £2 v Dundee U, Celtic, QP YC, St J, Dundee, Killie YC+L, Hamilton, Partick, Pars, Caley, St M, Ross Co, Falkirk, Well, Hearts, 15/16 £3 Caley SC £15, QOS Dec+May, Morton Aug 140th Anniversary special) £7.50+Feb, Dons LC, Montrose LC, St M Sept+Jan, Raith Aug+Jan+ P/O, Alloa Sept+Feb, S’raer LC, Sons Oct+Apr, Livi Nov+Apr, Falkirk Dec+Apr+P/O, Rangers CC £10+Nov, Dundee U LC, Hibernian Under 20 15/16 £2 v Partick, Killie, Well, Caley, Dundee, Hamilton, Pars, Dundee U, Falkirk, Ross Co, St J, St M, Dons, Hearts, Rangers, 16/17 £4.50 Dundee U Oct+Jan, Morton Aug incl Cup winning souvenir brochure £12.50+ Mar, St Mirren Nov+May, QOS LC+Oct+Apr, Ayr Sept, Raith Dec, Ayr Sept+Feb+SC, Hearts SC, Pars Feb, HIBERNIAN UNDER 20 16/17 £2 v Well, Dundee U, Celtic YC+L, Caley, Falkirk, Killie, Ross Co, St J, Partick, Hamilton, Pars, Dundee, St M, Rangers, HIBERNIAN UNDER 18 16/17 £2 v Hearts (East of Scotland Shield Final), 17/18 £4.50 Montrose LC, Dundee Nov, Hamilton Aug+Feb post, Well Jan, Partick Aug+Mar, St J Nov, Killie Dec, Rangers Dec+May £5, Celtic Dec+Apr, Hearts Mar, Dons Oct+Feb, HIBERNIAN UNDER 20 17/18 £2 St J, Dundee, East Kilbride YC, Falkirk, St M, Killie, Partick, Hamilton, Dundee U HIBERNIAN COLTS £4 v Elgin City IB Cup, 18/19 £4.50 Well Aug+Mar, Hamilton Oct+Feb, Dons Aug+LC+Feb+May, St J Nov, Celtic Dec+SC+Apr, Hearts Dec+Apr, Rangers Dec+Mar, Livi Dec, Raith SC, Killie Sept+Apr, Dundee Nov, HIBERNIAN RES 18/19 £1.50 v Hearts LC+L, St J, QOS, Dundee, Dundee U, QP YC, Ross Co, 19/20 £4.50 Well Nov, Ross Co Oct, Livi Oct+Feb, Killie Nov, Celtic Sept, Dons Dec, Hamilton Jan, Rangers Dec, Hearts Sept+Mar, Dundee U SC, St M Aug+Feb, Caley SC, St J Aug+Mar post £5, £3 v Arbroath LC, Alloa LC, HIBERNIAN UNDER 20 19/20 £1.50 Hamilton SPFL Reserve Cup, St Mirren SPFL Res Cup, Celtic Friendly Cup, 20/21 £4 Killie Aug+Jan, Well Aug+SC, Dons Aug+Feb, Rangers Sept+Jan, Hamilton Oct+Feb, Brora LC, Dundee LC (Group stage)+LC 2nd round, Celtic Nov+May, St J Nov+May, Dundee U Dec, St M Dec, Ross Co Dec, Livi Jan+Apr, 21/22 £4.50 Ross Co Aug, Killie LC, St M Sept, St J Sept, 21/22 col t/s £1 each. Dundee U Oct, St M Feb, Cove Rangers SC, Celtic Oct, Rangers Sept, Ross Co. Dec, Dons Dec, St J May, Killie LC, Livi Aug, HIBERNIAN UNDER 21 £3 v Elgin YC, HIBERNIAN UNDER 18 £2 v Hearts post, Rangers post+Feb, Motherwell Oct+Mar post, Montrose LC, Hamilton, Celtic L+YC, Aberdeen, Kilmarnock, 22/23 Clyde LC col t/s £1, Hearts SC col t/s £1, Rangers Aug col t/s £1+Mar col t/s £1,, Hearts Apr col t/s £1, HIBERNIAN 22/23 (BY THE FANS FOR THE FANS) (these are done with the clubs blessing as Hibs have stopped doing an official programme ) (COMPLETE SET £40), £3 v St J Oct, St M Oct+May, Ross Co Oct, Dundee U Jan, Dons Sept+Jan, Livi Dec, Killie Sept+Feb, Well Apr, Hearts Apr, Rangers May, HIBERNIAN RESERVES 22/23 £1.50 v Pars LC, Dundee LC, Dundee U, HIBERNIAN UNDER 18 22/23 £1.50 v Rangers Aug post+Jan post £5+Mar, Celtic Nov+May, Hearts Sept+Jan post, Dons May,
93/4 Celtic YC £4,